Meet your CA State Chapter Board
The California State Board of Directors is the governing body of the CA State Association and exercises all the power and authority over the affairs of the CA State Association during the interim between the annual meetings of the CA State Association excepting that of modifying any action taken by the CA State Association.
CA State Board members are elected annually by the membership for a term of three years. The board is composed of elected members. A CA State President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer are elected by the board for terms of two years. |
Scroll down this page to take a look at our Board out and about outside of California NEW PATHS when they're not working!
California State Board Members and Bios
Michael Callegri
President Michael has served on the NEW PATHS state board since October 2012 and is the president of the NEW PATHS San Joaquin County Chapter. My vision for NEW: PATHS is to be an integral part of the State board and continuance of its excellent services that provides members of this state.
Robin Jones
Vice President I have worked for San Joaquin County Human Services Agency almost 20 years in eligibility. I’ve spent the last seven years in eligibility supervision. I am currently the San Joaquin County NEW PATHS Chapter Treasurer. I joined the State Board during the 2019 State Training Conference. I am one of the newest board members. I hope to learn from the other board members and assist in any way possible. I look forward to serving the board and helping to find new ways for all of us to network until we can gather once again.
Gwen Gregg
Treasurer My vision for NEW PATHS is to provide the workers of Human Services the opportunity to develop and achieve their professional goals. Give them resources and training's that will enhance their ability to do their job on a day to day basis and to network and learn from all those around them.
Michael Norman
Secretary Hello!! I am a NEW PATHS new board member and I am excited to partner with various individual and programs throughout California. I currently work as a Senior Eligibility Worker in the County Adult Assistance Program in San Francisco since 2017. In my spare time, I bowl, play tennis, draw and travel.
Joyce Kasilag
Executive Committee Member I am currently an Eligibility Supervisor in the Welfare Benefits & Administration Department. I joined the State Board after attending the 2018 Conference. My vision for NEW PATHS is to be able to help Human Services professionals in their personal & professional goals through training and resources. TO promote integrity & professionalism of the eligibility workers and to provide a framework for individual members of local and state chapters in maintaining a connection with other organizations. I would also like to help in sharpening our skills in leadership, networking, and communications while studying and positively acting on local and national issues.
Laure Wilson
State Board Member I joined Sacramento Valley Chapter of New Paths in 1999. I have served on the local chapter board (Sacramento Valley Chapter) and recently joined the State Board of New Paths. It is rewarding to know that even though you can't change the whole world, you can make a difference in the world of some. After all, the people who do what it takes to make other's lives better are the true heroes and therefore my kind of People!
Angela Radford
State Board Member As a new board member, I am excited to join the board. I currently work for San Joaquin County as an Eligibility Supervisor. I look forward to working with the other members of the California State Chapter of NEW PATHS to help develop the annual conference for all members to Network and Enjoy.
Sadig Algazzali
State Board Member As a new board member, I am excited to join the board. I currently work for Alameda County Social Services as a Staff Development Specialist creating videos, courses, and many other e-learning projects. I look forward to working with the other members of the California State Chapter of NEW PATHS to help create and manage a successful annual conference.
Marcos Villanueva
State Board Member I have worked for Marin County Health and Human Services Agency- Public Assistance Division for 3 years. I am a new board member and look forward to learning, helping, and working with my fellow board members. My hope is to get a chapter founded and up and running in Marin County. Still I am excited to be a board member and even more excited at the opportunity to stay connected and engaged with all our members across the state.
Marina Cortez
State Board Member I have worked for San Joaquin County for almost 17 years and I am a new Board Member. Outside of NEW PATHS, I enjoy drag racing in my yellow '68 Chevy Nova and have been doing it for three years now. I'm excited to see what our future holds with California NEW PATHS!!!
Angee Esparza
State Board Member I have been a California State NEW PATHS member for many years and excited to recently join as a board member. I look forward to exploring and discovering new solutions to concerns or obstacles others may encounter. I truly believe that providing knowledge is like providing power which advocates strength. I am currently a Human Service Supervisor, but have been with Kern County DHS for over 22 years. I oversee an Application and Intake unit. I promote unity, integrity, and self-efficacy, but most of all, I encourage positivity and kindness to all.
Rommel Silva
State Board Member As a new board member, I will promote professional identity, integrity, and inclusion. I look forward to listening to Human Services professionals across the state of CA, providing solutions to their specific concerns, and providing a professional networking arena for them. I bring to the table integrity, creativity, and commitment. I’m currently the Outreach/Call Center Supervisor for the County of San Mateo’s Human Services Agency. I’ve been with the agency for 12 years. Before becoming a Supervisor, I was a Benefits Analyst I, II, and a Face to Face, bilingual in Spanish Lead Benefits Analyst, proficient in Medi-Cal, CalFresh, General Relief, and CalWORKs.
Michael Masumoto
Executive Committee Member I am currently an Eligibility Technician III with the Riverside County Department of Public Social Services. I was a CalWORKs Eligibility Technician from 2009-2013 and transitioned to Medi-Cal when preparations for healthcare reform began in September of 2013. Today, I currently work in both Medi-Cal and CalFresh. I have attended three NEW PATHS conferences during my 14 years as an Eligibility Worker. I am excited to be a part of the NEW PATHS, as I am passionate about connecting with workers from other counties and building relationships. With NEW PATHS, I am excited to be a part of providing resources to other eligibility workers that will fuel their continued growth in the Human Services industry.
Our Board Members Out and About!
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